Friday, November 28, 2008


Yay! People read! I mean, people read my blog!
I was so pumped about my brand new plan of updating more and just writing writing writing on this thing, that I started composing a post in my head at work today. Too bad I don't have internet in my Batcave. No, good thing I don't have internet in the Batcave, otherwise I'd be posting and reading and wasting so much time it isn't funny. Or maybe it is. Anyways, I was concentrating so hard on my post that I forgot it. I remember planning on starting another blog. I know, I think I just may be getting a little too ambitious here, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. My other blog would be where I'd review books and movies. Movies mostly. In fact, just movies. I don't know where the books part came from. I think my sub-conscious threw that in in an attempt to add some depth to my shallow idea.
I don't understand my manager, HH, she hardly ever schedules me for morning shifts but when she does, it is always the morning after a long closing shift. It's not like I close every night or anything. I usually close two or three times a week sometimes four but that's it. Tomorrow, the morning after enduring a horrible, 4 hour long closing shift with the whole day's worth of work to do in the Batcave, while working with Andy and Grumpy, I have to work tomorrow 7:30-3, again working with Grumpy. MJ, the woman who has to do all the work I left last night, is going to kill me. I'm not going to be her number one anymore.
I think I'll go to bed now. Or maybe I will after I eat all the chocolate in my secret candy stash and watch a feel-good chick flick.

1 comment:

Havalah said...

Hey pretty lady! i nominated you for a bloggy award! Check out my blog for the details! LOVE YOU!!!