Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday Mood

I made scones again today. Barefoot. With country music on in the background. I just love that feeling. There is just something about cooking and baking barefoot while listening to country music. It makes me feel so old-fashioned and house-wifey. Especially when the house is quiet and there's no screaming children running through or obnoxious teenagers stealing ingredients and demanding you make them breakfast.
Since my new-found freedom began, I have been feeling more and more in baking/cooking moods. Not sure if that sentence made any sense but I'm sticking to it. If I had the quietness and lack of little ones running around, I would probably keep this house in pretty constant supply of scones and other yummy baked goodies.
The hospital messed up somehow and is charging me some crazy amount in lab fees. I'm not supposed to pay anything because I have Healthlink but apparently, they didn't get the memo. I'm off to write a rather annoyed letter telling them in polite but no uncertain tones that there is no way in heck-fire I'm paying that bill.

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