Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Today, I am totally and completely enjoying my summer. The first summer I've had off in a very very long time. Because while homeschooling, I was a total slacker who ended up doing my school through the summer. Actually, I usually didn't but I was constantly reminded to do my school through the summer and so I wasn't really able to fully enjoy the summer. This summer, however, I have finished my two courses, applied for next fall, applied for FAFSA, and am working a part time job that I've been at for four years, so I'm not worried about that. I have my passport, ticket and everything (I think. I hope.) for New Zealand in a couple months.
I slept in til ten or eleven today. *contented sigh* Worked on a little project I'm attempting. I have a few pretty awful books that mum bought for ten cents at a book sale. So I am attempting to dye the paper and then fade it to use as stationary. However, the paper doesn't like the dye I'm using (although my fingers do :P) and the only way of fading I can think of is putting it in the sun which is highly obnoxious and I would only able to fade on sunny days. I was hoping to make a fair amount and sell them on etsy. Because etsy is one of the coolest sites ever.
Oopsies. I just got lost on etsy for a half-hour or so. I gotta make dinner. :-P
Hopefully more posts soon!

1 comment:

Diana said...

WHOA! A POST?!? I almost didn't believe my blog following device when I saw this. GO you, I say, go you. :)

love you
xoxo thestoryteller