Saturday, June 20, 2009

My timing is way off...

Mom had to work this evening so I was given dinner duty. After working a five hour floor (that means lots of running back and forth) shift this morning in the wrong shoes after waking up at 5:30 am. The last thing I wanted to do was slave over the stove either heating up left-over cream of broccoli soup (bleh) or cooking garlic pork-chops. I'm not a big fan of cream of broccoli, I'll eat it the first day if it is set in front of me, but second day C.O.B. is gross, just gross. And garlic pork chops, they're good, don't get me wrong, but I'm rather sick of pork and it sometimes makes me sick.

Anyways, I didn't really want to do either so I hopped onto allrecipes and found this. Awesome. Looks great, I've got everything. I can use the pork chops but not have to feel like I've had it a million times. I can make garlic mashed potatoes to go with it and we have sugar snap peas. Perfect. Suddenly, my dinner duty didn't seem too dismal. I put my country music mix on and got started.

I peeled potatoes and chopped them up kinda small because I wanted them to cook quickly. I sauteed some mushrooms and onions, then browned the pork. I threw the mushroom stuff, pork and two cans of condensed cream of mushroom soup into a pan and threw it in the oven. The original recipe called for you to bake it for 45 minutes but I had thin-sliced chops so I put the timer on for 20 minutes because I can always put them back in. About half-way through the 20 minutes I started getting worried because the potatoes weren't even boiling much less mushy enough to mash. While I was waiting for the stuff to cook, I was able to set the table very nicely though. Fortunately, the taters boiled right after that and I was able to mash them and every thing right when the timer went off for the pork. Perfect! Everything is coming together!

*buzzer* WRONG!

The pork was NOT done. *deep breath, sigh* The potatoes are done to a perfection but the pork...not so much. Now the potatoes are getting cold and icky.

At least the table looks nice.

1 comment:

Diana said...

haha... sounds like me cooking dinner :)

xoxo thestoryteller