Friday, September 19, 2008

I'm Bored

I can't even begin to count the amount of times I have said that in my lifetime. They were probably the first words I said as a baby. Counting from then all the way up to no less than a few days ago, I've probably said it 8,247,672,896 times. Give or take.
Today, while listening to country music (Kenny Chesney's When The Sun Goes Down with Uncle Kracker, to be exact) I realized something about the phrase "I'm bored." It is not said when there is nothing to be done. It is not said when every other activity has been exhausted. It's not even said when you maybe don't want to color or play legos but still want something to do. It is said when there is something you should be doing, and aren't. It is said when you want an excuse to get out of cleaning your room. It is said when you know you should be emptying the dishwasher or researching that paper due Friday, and instead you're trying to read a book or make your Halloween costume early, but just can't concentrate on ANYTHING. Your messy room, unmade bed, over-grown lawn, whatever, is tugging at the corners of your mind. Reminding, reminding, reminding, spoiling whatever activity you're using to distract yourself.
Speaking of distracting oneself, a half-written essay on the peoples of Pakistan and Bangladesh is tugging on the corners of my mind.

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